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The Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning your Menstrual Cup:

Congratulations on making the eco-conscious choice to switch to the Flow Fairy menstrual cup! Now that you’ve joined the Flow Fairy Menstrual Cup family, it’s crucial to understand how to properly clean and store your cup for a safe and comfortable period experience. Let’s dive into the dos and don’ts of menstrual cup maintenance to ensure you get the most out of your Flow Fairy Cup and Applicator.

Do: Use a gentle, unscented, oil-free soap to clean your menstrual cup. Opt for specialized cleansing products if available, but a mild, fragrance-free soap will do the trick.

Don’t: Use harsh cleaning products such as antibacterial soap, oil-based soap, fragrant soap, baking soda, bleaching agents, washing liquid, hydroxide, rubbing alcohol, or vinegary substances. These can cause irritation and damage to your cup. Do not boil the applicator! Use a clean mild soap for cleansing.

Preparing Your Cup for First Use:

Before using your Flow Fairy Menstrual Cup for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hands and the cup with a mild, unscented cleanser.
  2. Boil water and let the cup sit in the water for no longer than 8 minutes, ensuring it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot.
  3. Monitor the cup while boiling to prevent burning.
  4. Remove the Flow Fairy cup and let it cool for 10 minutes before use.

Daily Cleaning Routine:

To maintain hygiene during your period, follow these steps:

At Home:

  1. Empty the cup and flush the blood down the toilet.
  2. Rinse the cup with clean water and use mild, fragrance-free, oil-free soap to wipe it clean.
  3. Reinsert the menstrual cup after cleaning.

In Public Bathrooms:

If rinsing isn’t possible, wipe the cup clean with toilet paper. When you’re home, give it a thorough rinse and clean with soap and water.

Outdoors or on a Trip:

Carry bottled water and a travel-size unscented soap. Clean the cup using water and soap, then wipe it with a clean tissue before reinserting. Use the handy storage pouch the Flow Fairy comes with to keep it sanitary when not in use.

Sanitizing After Your Period:

Cup Cleaning Tips: Rinse the cup thoroughly and boil it for a few minutes after your period ends. Let it cool and dry completely before storing.

Applicator Cleaning Tips: Delicately withdraw the applicator and always be sure to clean it thoroughly with soap and water.

Proper Storage:

Store your Flow Fairy cup and applicator in its provided pouch or any breathable material to protect it from dirt and germs while allowing airflow. Keep it in a cool, dry place.

Cleaning vs. Sterilizing:

Daily cleaning removes surface bacteria and odor, while sterilizing eliminates all bacteria for future use.


  1. If your cup smells bad, rinse it with cold water, scrub with an unused toothbrush, and sanitize after each period.
  2. Discoloration or stains can be removed with daily cleaning and gentle scrubbing.
  3. A white substance on the cup is normal after boiling and can be washed off.
  4. If your cup falls in the toilet, sterilize it before reusing. Replace it if it’s dropped in unsanitary conditions.

By following these cleaning and storage tips, you’ll ensure your Flow Fairy Menstrual Cup and Applicator remains clean, safe, and comfortable for every period. For a high-quality cup and applicator that offers reliability and sustainability, the Flow Fairy Menstrual Cup kit is your best choice. Join the menstrual cup revolution and make your period a breeze with Flow Fairy!