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You’re no stranger to the hefty price tag that comes with stocking up on period products month after month. While a box of tampons or pads might seem like a budget-friendly option at first glance, the costs can quickly add up over time. Did you know that over the average woman’s lifetime, she spends over $2000 on tampons and pads alone? That’s a staggering amount that could be put to better use.

Flow Fairy is here to introduce you to a game-changing solution that not only saves you money but also helps save the planet in the process. With our revolutionary Flow Fairy Cup and Applicator, you can bid farewell to the endless cycle of purchasing disposable period products.

The Green Solution

Let’s talk numbers. How many boxes of tampons or pads do you go through in a year? Now multiply that by the number of years you’ll be menstruating. The total? Thousands of dollars spent on disposable period products in a lifetime. It’s enough to make your wallet cringe and Mother Earth weep.

Enter the Flow Fairy Cup and Applicator. Made from 100% medical-grade silicone, one cup can last up to ten years with proper care. That’s right – no more shelling out cash for endless boxes of disposable products. By making the switch to a menstrual cup, you’ll not only save money but also reduce your environmental footprint by keeping pounds of waste out of landfills.

Finding Your Perfect Menstrual Cup Fit

Now, we know what you’re thinking – how do I choose the right cup for me? With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect fit. That’s where Flow Fairy comes in.

Our cups come in two sizes to accommodate different body types and flow levels. Whether you’re a petite powerhouse or a seasoned pro, we’ve got a cup that’s tailor-made for you. And with our innovative applicator, insertion is a breeze – no more awkward fumbling or discomfort.

Saving You Time and Peace of Mind

Aside from the financial benefits, menstrual cups also offer unparalleled convenience and peace of mind. No more rushing to the store to restock on tampons or worrying about toxic chemicals lurking in your period products.

With a Flow Fairy Cup, you can enjoy up to twelve hours of leak-free protection, allowing you to go about your day with confidence. And when it comes time to empty and clean your cup, it’s as easy as a quick rinse with mild soap and water.

So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to the endless cycle of buying disposable period products and hello to a more sustainable, budget-friendly option with Flow Fairy Cups and the groundbreaking applicator that helps it glide in perfectly where it needs to. Your wallet – and the planet – will thank you.